Once your order is shipped, we promptly provide you with a tracking number in 24 - 48 hours. However, it might take a couple of days for the tracking information to be updated in the courier's system. We use a combination of Australia Post tracking for our smaller items and our logistics partner BSTrack numbers for our heavier items. This delay is because the package needs to be scanned and processed by the courier before the tracking details become available.
We recommend waiting 3-5 business days after receiving your tracking number before checking the status of your order. Please note even if the tracking is delayed in the system initially, once the product is succesfully scanned into the system it is still likely to arrive in our stated 7-14 business day delivery time. If the tracking information is still not available after this period, please contact our customer support team, and we'll be happy to assist you further.
We thank you for your patience and understanding.