Shipping Information
A message to our valued customers
We know you are excited to receive your products from Dreamsleep Australia, we are too! That is why we continuously work with our delivery partners to ensure the shipping process is as smooth as possible, helping you get your items faster.
At Dreamsleep Australia, we prioritize the quality and reliability of our products and services. To ensure that you receive only the best products, we work closely with our suppliers and partners to source high-quality materials and manufacture our items with precision and care. This meticulous process helps us maintain our commitment to delivering products that meet our customers' expectations.
Is delivery free?
Yes it is! We offer Fast & Free Delivery across Australia and this will never change.
How long until I receive my order?
We process all orders within 24-48 hours of purchase, ensuring you get your Dreamsleep Australia products as soon as possible. You will receive your products within 5-12 days of placing your order.